
몬트리올 내의 홈스테이 거주 희망

Hi, I'm Momoka from Japan.
I'm a female, 30years old, a nurse (only in Japan).
I worked at pediatric, Orthopedic Surgery, Gynecology, General internal medicine, Covid care unit for 8years.
I have allergic of white and bule fish. If I can use the kitchen, meals are not required.☺︎
My plan to stay in Calgary until May, and move to Montreal from end of May or first of June.
I'm planning to stay Montreal for one month but the period of stay can be adjusted according to your convenience.

- Momoka

거주 예상기간 월 예산 세부사항
6월 7일 금요일 - 미정 $650 CAD
식사제공 불필요
방문 목적: 관광 및 여가활동
30+ years of age