Amazing By La Chine Canal Stay

몬트리올 (Pointe-Saint-Charles)

홈스테이 캐나다, 몬트리올

I have an extra room and I do like to have students going around this home. Myself I was staying with a family in Europe while I was a student and it was a much better experience than staying at the campus. I did had the space to study and rest when necessary but I also enjoyed the company of other student. I really like this young energy around. It’s already 2 years that I rent this space for students. About the countries I have visited, is more easy for me to say the I have not visited Asia and the most of Africa Lol. I like to bike, to cook and to paint
Rules of the House.
1 you cannot smoke in the apartment area ( inside or outside) sorry, is in my lease.
2. No friend can stay over.
3. You have to be clean and organized with shared spaces.
4. The existing facilities of the apartment cannot be taken for any activity outside without my authorization
5. The apartment must be in silence since 10pm ( or the neighbours will call the police)

호스트: Mariana
  • 해당 홈스테이에는 자녀가 없습니다
  • 호스트 비흡연
서비스 및 편의시설
  • 식사 포함여부: 아침
  • 무선 광역 인터넷 (Wi-Fi)
  • 흡연 불가
  • Full service laundry at least once weekly included in fee
입주 정보
  • 1 침실, 1명 체류 가능
  • 6일 최소 체류기간
  • 이주를 원할 시 3주 사전 안내 요망

이 홈스테이에는 1개의 방이 있습니다

룸 No1: 1층

1명 체류 가능

입주 가능 날짜: 오늘


지금 당장 연락하기
  • 침대

    • 1 × 더블침대
  • 욕실

    • 공용 욕실 (홈스테이 가족과 공유)
  • 가구

    • 침대 옆 작은 테이블
    • 에어컨
    • 전신거울
    • 옷장
홈스테이 근처의 학교들

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